...going to Ottawa any time soon? Please stop by The Lafreniere and Pai Gallery. Very nice selection of great work. I have been part of this show for last few years, take my word for it. Runs until the end of the month!
The most exiting, demanding, exhausting and loved show of the year is over. Thank you everyone for coming and making it a great one! My neighbor at the show this year was Valerie Page. She is such a hoot! And her work kicks ass, one of her hand quilted pieces is hanging in my bedroom now. Could not resist, have that soft spot for fabric. She also teaches classes. Pleasesee for yourself!
I was invited by Lafreniere and Pai Gallery in Ottawa to take part in their annual jewelry exhibition that runs from November 21st to December 31st 2009. This will be third time i have been included in the show. If you are around please go see it, Megan and Lisa have great eye for outstanding work!
Out of this wold sunrise on the drive... wow Ottawa! Great show! Thank you! Had lots of fun met whole lot of new flameworkers, which is always very exiting and look what i bought! Vintage lucite to compliment my glass, love that stuff. Those Juicy Ladies rock.
Been trying to get in shape, catch up and all. My next show is The Ottawa Glass Bead Artist on November 7 and 8 anyone coming? Check the link for more info.
... could not ask for nicer weather for a lovely outdoor show. Thank you everyone for coming out! I had a awesome time this past weekend, sold lots of beads, got to do a trade with Richard, scored a kick ass rocking chair at the garage sale and got to hang out with Amy in the evening. How about that.
Despite the rain and garbage strike both shows were great ! Thank you everyone for stopping by and visiting. I have been working hard and getting ready is not always that easy. Got to trade with some amazing people Mia and Lisa and one of my paperweights found a new home, which was very exiting! Now I am back home in desperate need to crash.
...almost forgot i had these pics. I think cutting the bar is my favorite part of murine production, it is also the only time the pieces are all together.
For weeks I have been nervous, could not sleep for days, and after all, the demo was fun and went well. Studio is clean, organized , everything in working order, ready to serve, as always. Very impressive! All the staff was bending backwards to make us happy, you guys rock! thanks! Beside the great Conference Corning was loaded with awesome antiques, who would of thought...what a dangerous place for me to visit!
Working hard, almost finished. I will be bringing four components to assemble at the conference. Hopefully will end up with a Cat and a Mouse picture by the end of the demo.
Some time ago I had to make very unpleasant and difficult decision not to join The Bead and Button Show this year. It just was not possible for me to go. I do apologise for disappointing all students signed up for my class. Lets meet up next year! Please! One of the reasons is also the date of The Glass Art Society Conference in Corning being so close. I will be presenting a demo at the Studio, assembling a murrine cane. I still have tons of work ahead of me. I can not remember what exactly I was thinking signing up for both events.